We were on CBS News this morning! (Sunday December 16, 2018) Click this link below to see the video: CBS NEWS Sunday Morning on Marimbas Click on this link for the story on CBS’S website: CBS WEBSITE MARIMBA STORY
This 5 Octave Concert Marimba on our Aluminum/Wood Hybrid Height Adjustable Frame in Black Anodize, along with Honduras Rosewood Bars, and Black Powdercoated Individually Tune-Able Resonators was delivered to The University of New Hampshire in Durham, New Hampshire.
This is the All Wood Hydraulic Height Adjustable 5.0 Octave Concert Marimba with Oak frame stained dark, brass tune-able resonators, and Honduras Rosewood bars. Here is what our customer says: Hi Matt! The marimba arrived a few days ago! It sounds great and we have really enjoyed it. I adjusted one of the resonators slightly […]
Check out Percussionist Brandon Wood at www.brandonwoodpercussion.com
5.0 octave hydraulic height adjustable marimba completed for customer in Colorado.
4.3 octave hydraulic height adjustable marimba delivered to customer in Germany. Update January 3, 2011: Email received from customer– Dear Matt, we wish you an happy and successfull year 2011. Further we are very happy with our new marimba. My son Jan will play a few pieces at the Aschaffenburg music school next month.Thank you […]
5.0 Octave Marimba delivered personally by Matt Coe to The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida.
5.0 octave aluminum/wood hybrid height adjustable marimba completed for Oswego High School, Oswego, Illinois. 3.5 octave all wood hydraulic height adjustable xylophone delivered to US Air Force Band Europe, Ramstein AFB Germany. 5.0 octave aluminum/wood hybrid height adjustable marimba delivered to Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida.